Contact Details

Telephone - (03) 9728 2144
Fax - (03) 9761 9296
Mobile - 0417 313 341

Kwikset Bottom Chord Press

The Kwikset Bottom Chord Press consists of a C-Frame press head mounted onto a carriage. This travels manually between the pressing points of the truss bottom chord set up on a Flo-thru jig.

The bottom chord press works along-side a standard Portal or Gantry press system, where the existing press head is used to press top chord nail-plates. This halves the pressing time of each truss, significantly increasing production.

Designed to work fast, this press is very safe and simple. It can be supplied with a new press and Flo-Jig system, or installed in an existing system.


Features - Table & Jig


- Hydraulic.
- Self driven.

Kwikset Bottom Chord Press Images

Kwikset Jig

Technical Information

Truss information


Power requirements